Black obsidian stone properties
Black obsidian stone properties

The black obsidian comes in various sizes, shapes, cuts, and carats. The sharpest stone artifacts were carved using obsidian. Native Americans and ancient Greeks used obsidian for weaponry, tools, and implements. Sages and healing practitioners always turned to the obsidian to take them to higher consciousness. But obsidian has mostly always been valued for its metaphysical powers. Besides trading, it was used to make homeware tools, arrowheads, weapons, and all kinds of cutting tools. The Mayan merchants traded the obsidian as far back as 100 BC. The obsidian formed a profound part of their civilization because there was an enormous deposit of it in the land. The Mayans were quite adept at physics, astrology, and the sciences in spite of being limited in terms of exposure. The history is chiefly traced back to the Mayans and Aztecs. Here is everything to know about the black obsidian and its highly beneficial healing properties. The black obsidian is however the most natural form and it is advantageous in so many ways. Obsidian comes in many forms - gold, pink, mahogany, rainbow, and snowflake.

black obsidian stone properties

It was named after the Roman Obsius who first discovered it in Europe.

black obsidian stone properties

Obsidian is a natural volcanic glass that forms after lava is cooled and the volcano is inactive. It used to be called the God of stone in Mexico, and in its heyday, the worth surpassed gold. Obsidian is a remarkable stone that has been around since the beginning of time. Stay tuned! Black Obsidian Healing Properties In this post, we'll focus on black obsidian: what it is, what it's used for, and how you can start using it in your own life. Have you ever walked into a crystal shop and been overwhelmed by all the options? It's easy to get sucked into the world of healing crystals and start buying them left and right without knowing what each one does.

Black obsidian stone properties